Conference begins with dialogue session
The second day of the Second International CEOs Conference started with the participants having a dialogue with Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop. It was followed by the first session titled ‘Globalisation and New Realities: How Asian Companies Are Responding to Them” presented by the CEO and Director of Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI), Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh. In the second session, President and Founder of Biodiesel Industries, Inc, USA Russell Teall, JD presented a paper titled ‘Entrepreneurial Promise of Renewable Energy to Meet Energy Demand’ where he said that the Governments globally have recognised the need to move towards using domestically produced biodiesel. Russell said that the regional development and use of biodiesel means greater environmental, economic and energy stability. During the third session, Deputy Chairman of Social Science and Humanities, The Indonesia Institute of Sciences! The Habibie Centre, Indonesia, Professor Dr Dewi Fortuna Anwar, presented the paper on ‘Globalisation Revisited - Its Impact on Mankind’. She summarized the topic by stressing that globalisation has not led to the obsolenscence of the nation states, “And it remains the primary responsibility of the nation- states to ensure by various domestic policies as well as regional and international agreements that the beneficial effects of globalisation can be shared more equally amongst all nations while mitigating its harmful side—effects,” she said. Senior Executive Adviser and Former Regional Chairman Booz Allen Hamilton-Australia, New Zealand & Southeast Asia, Australia, Ian C. Buchanan, spoke about the benefit of strategic alliances when presenting his paper, ‘Smart Partnership- Forging Successful Strategic Alliances’. He stated that alliance strategy formulation has consistently identified substantial additional business value and detailed partner negotiations often uncover substantial additional opportunities. While for the fourth session, the speaker of the paper titled ‘Climate Change and Ecological Sustainability: Honouring Mother Nature’ talked about the natural disasters that hit various parts of the world, the impact on agriculture and health as well mitigation and adaptation to improve ‘climate resilience’. Senior lecturer in Hydrology Lancaster Environment Centre Department ‘of Environmental Science Lancaster, UK, Dr Nick A. Chappell, ended the presentation by suggesting to reduce demand for emissions-intensive goods and services, increased efficiency, avoiding deforestation and switching to lower- carbon technologies. During the fifth session, Trainer, Coach and Consultant, Asian Mind Dynamics Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Andreas Dorn, presented ‘Talent Management and High Performing Organisations: Driving Talent Mindset for Excellence’. Dorn pointed out ways to retain the top talent in the company and mind management for higher performance such as dramatically increasing the engagement of employees through targeted motivation strategies. The special session titled ‘Is Globalisation the Panacea to the Problem of World Peace and Harmony?’ was presented by the CEO of Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) cum Minister of Education and former Ambassador of Ghana to the US, Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah. He related globalisation with information technology - where ICTs are helping to globalise the world despite globalisation has had a history of violence and force. The third and last day of the conference will be continued today and will also comprise five sessions and a special session.