Govt to continue improving service delivery system
•The Government will continue to improve and transform its service delivery system by being customer- focused, according to the Economic Planning Unit (EPU). Measures taken towards this from now until 2010 will include the integration of systems and services across Government agencies so as to provide quality service with greater ease to the public and businesses, it said. To further meet current users demand and enhance its competitiveness, the Government also aims to increase confidence in the public electronic-based services and promote a wider usage and acceptances of these services, the EPU said. In addition, an outcome-based approach to planning, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects will be implemented to maximise benefits to the people, it said. “Together with the cooperation and collaboration of the private sector, the Government will strive towards achieving service delivery excellence, with greater transparency, integrity and professionalism,” it added.The EPU said integrating services by consolidating processes and procedures across agencies will be done by reengineering service delivery, creating virtual one-stop centres, promoting information and infrastructure sharing, reviewing legal and regulatory frameworks, moving towards self- regulation, improving governance and developing competencies. For services that involve multiple agencies, work processes will be reviewed, re-engineered and streamlined toensureefficient delivery, it said. The processes will be designed around client needs where the adoption of a shared services culture, involving information and infrastructure will he promoted, the EPU said. Appropriate technology will be deployed to support the workflow of these re-engineered processes, it said. The EPU also said that integrated services by consolidating processes and procedures across agencies will be offered through the e-KL initiative in the Kiang Valley. This initiative includes job of access for loans and grants, enrollment of international students, speedy approval for billboard advertisements, single-window access for ICT companies to start operations as well as a standardized complaints management system. These efforts will provide better access to a wide range of integrated, online services including electronic submissions, payments, communications and complaints, it added. According to the EPU, the introduction of eForms will reduce processing time and cost as well as improve customer convenience. To accelerate migration to epayments, the Government will continue to implement strategies outlined in the roadmap, including removing barriers to allow for greater efficiency and innovation in the market. “Further improvements will be made in the retail payment systems to reduce the use of cash and cheques as well as to leverage on the Internet and mobile phones as pervasive and lowcost delivery channels for banking and payment services,” it said.