CEOs Conference an excellent platform to share information, business trends: CM
The Second Chief Executive Officers Conference 2008 is an excellent platform to share valuable information and global business trends. That is how Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman described the Conference, which was launched by Second Finance Minister, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, representing the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najb Tun Razak, yesterday. “The conference aims are examining some of the global issues and challenges facing international and particularly Asian corporations today. It also helps to promote international awareness on current business and investment opportunities in Sabah,” he said in his speech. He said the conference also provides an avenue for a meaningful exposure to potential business opportunities at both the regional and global levels, especially with the panels of renowned speakers sharing their knowledge and facilitate an active exchange of views and experiences among delegates. “Indeed, it is a meeting of minds and hopefully acts as a catalyst for developing strategic partnerships through networking and business linkages among delegates,” he said. The first CEO Conference three years back had paved the way for several investments in Sabah, and since then, many companies had set up their Research and Development centres at the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park. He also said this year’s theme “Managing Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness in the Globalised era” is aptly chosen as it also relates to Malaysia’s competitiveness in the global era. Musa also shared with the Conference participants, who come from some 32 countries, on Sabah’s current development projects, especially the 18-year holistic Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), which will see various development programs to further develop the State. “As a State that is leading in terms of managing our rainforest and other precious natural resources through the establishment of wildlife and forest reserves and State parks, we have to put on record our priority in ensuring sustainable development through environmental conservation. “By striking a balance between development and care for the environment, we aim to make Sabah one of the most livable places in this part of the world, given its strategic location, natural resources, diverse cultural offerings, heritage and clean environment at the end of the SDC period in 2025,” he said. And to hasten the implementation of SDC, the Government will set up the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) which will co-ordinate resources from the Federal and State Governments by speeding up approvals and oversee program implementation. “We are business-friendly and this is reflected in SEDIA’s objectives, which include providing a one-stop centre for fast- track approvals and for follow-through,” he said.