Keep fun centres free from drugs, Minister tells operators
The Government has gone to great length to organize many activities to promote Sabah as a premier tourist destination, and the entertainment industry has certainly played an important role in contributing to this success, said Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Datuk Masidi Manjun at the swearing-in ceremony of Sabah-Labuan Motion Picture Traders and Entertainment Association (SLAMPTEA) yesterday here. “I would endeavour to do my best to look into matters affecting the members of SLAMPTEA,” he said. “Certain issues, for example, the business operation extension needs to be looked into seriously so as to further enhance the effectiveness of the entertainment entities in complementing the tourism industry.” Masidi urged the members of the Association to make a concerted effort in preventing their outlets from being used for drug abuse, or associated with drug dealers. He said even though the operators are in no way responsible for the conduct of their patrons, their role in keeping this menace from tainting the entertainment industry is certainly crucial. Earlier, Masidi witnessed the swearing-in ceremony followed by a multimedia show and entertainment program. The function was attended by over 500 members of the Association, including several Government officers.