Comprehensive approach needed: SAPP
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has expressed its gratitude to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for announcing plans for a massive operation to flush out illegal immigrants in Sabah. Its President, Datuk Yong Teck Lee, said a comprehensive approach was n
eeded to effectively tackle the problem and the Party was thanking the Deputy Prime Minister for the announcement. “Security, law and order are the basic constitutional duties of the Government. The rakyat should not have to suffer while waiting for the Government to take its time in tackling crimes, illicit drugs, street kids, illegal cigarette vendors and a host of other problems associated with illegal immigrants.” He said the range of measures that the Government must take without delay would in detaining illegal out-sourcing agents (like snake heads) and local syndicates who smuggled in illegals. Yong hoped that the Malaysian consulate now in Davao could be relocated to Zamboangga and a Philippine consulate could also be established in Sabah. He said there should also be tighter controls over the Zamboanga-Sandakan ferry service, imposition of a bond on the return tickets of non-Malaysian traveller – Bernama.