Penisoners against twice monthy wage payment
The Sabah Government Pensioners Association (SGPA) is against the twice monthly payment of wages for the civil servants as announced recent
ly by the Government following the hike in fuel prices in the country. Its President, Dr Florentius Epin, said the move would not only burden but also create problems for civil servants as they may not be careful in the management of their finance. “Their efforts should be utilised to improve the delivery system to the public instead of wasting time to prepare the twice monthly wage payment,” he said yesterday. On the fuel prices hike, Epin reiterated that it has badly affected the people as its chain effect has pushed up the prices of other essential goods. “The recent increase of pension from seven per cent to 35 per cent last July for pensioners is now meaningless as it could not match the present rising cost of most of the essential goods which rose to between 35 and 45 per cent in Sabah,” he said. Epin expressed his fear that there may be another round of price increase of essential goods, especially foodstuff. “Pensioners are suffering in silence, especially those in the lower income group. We hope the Government will do something to alleviate our plight,” he said.