Yong says SAPP MPs called back to KK due to disturbing events over ‘vote’
SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee has claimed that ever since the Party announced the planned tabling of no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister last Wednesday, its leaders had been advised by friendly parties not to underestimate the risky consequences and likely threats. He said in a statement yesterday that events in the last 24 hours had taken a disturbing turn, among others, “we have received reports that of intimidating and bullying tactics”. He said the Party’s two lawmakers — Datuk Dr Chua Soon Bui (Tawau) and Datuk Eric Majimbun (Sepanggar) were absent from Parliament when it resumed on Monday, saying they had been recalled to Kota Kinabalu to discuss their safety and that of their families and offices. Several illegal banners instigating unspecified actions against the Tawau MP appeared overnight in Tawau, and a demonstration at the office of the Tawau MP will be held today, which was originally to be held after the last Friday prayers, according to Yong. He said SAPP had advised its Tawau officials to lodge a police report, and not to provoke the demonstrators and take leave from the office until the tension has eased at a later date. At an Umno gathering of several hundred in Kota Kinabalu on Sunday, aggressive words touching on racial incitement were used, with Short Message Services (sms) and unidentified phone calls implying threats to the two MPs and their aides, Yong said. In view of this disturbing turn of events, SAPP has taken extra caution for the safety of its MPs by calling them back to the Party HQ in Kota Kinabalu for consultations on the next course of action, including the safety of their persons and families and the security of their offices, he said. “SAPP truly appreciates and is very encouraged by the tremendous outpouring of support for the Party over it’s move (on vote of no-confidence against the PM). Our perseverance on this course of action is very much helped in knowing that the people are with us,” he said. “we are deeply touched that brother and sister Malaysians every where, including in Peninsular and Sarawak and overseas are coming forward to support. We can feel the pent-up frustrations of ordinary Malaysians who want change, a change for the better,” he said.He further said SAPP is overwhelmed by the voices in the printed media, internet, emails, sms, blogs and so on. “Media discussions, be it in favour or not of SAPP, have successfully brought the Sabah issues to. the national focus. Never shall Sabah be looked down upon again,” he added. SAPP dropped a bombshell last week when it called for the vote against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in a move analysts said could unleash defections to the Opposition. Pakatan Rakyat opposition alliance has said it is reluctant to mount a no-confidence vote, but would use a parliamentary debate Monday on an unpopular fuel prices hike as a test of confidence. “The Pakatan Rakyat are trying to highlight the problems with the Government policies, and our opposition to today’s. (yesterday) motion shows the people’s lack of confidence,” said Azmin Ali, Vice President of the Keadilan party, which heads the alliance.