Supreme Council not consulted, says confused Tan
SAPP Deputy President Datuk Raymond Tan said that he is confused and embarrassed about the Party’s move to seek a motion of no confidence against the Prime Minister. He also said that the Party’s Supreme Council had not been consulted over the issue of no confidence against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Tan said he believed that the action, was carried out arbitrarily by Party President Datuk Yong Teck Lee However, he said that he would attend the Supreme Council meeting on Friday despite wondering why the Party would want to announce something before a decision is made. “It is not proper for us to do it when Abdullah is the Barisan Nasional Chairman. It is disrespectful to the Prime Minister,” said Tan, who is Deputy Chief Minister cum infrastructure Development Minister. “It should be a decision made by the Supreme Council. I think the position would be more certain. I do not know what he (Yong) has in mind to decide at the Supreme Council. “If already pre-planned and done, what are we going to discuss? The damage is done. These are things going through my mind,” he said, adding that it was embarrassing as SAPP won its seats on BN tickets and now we are said to be working with the Opposition. Tan said that he was not making any stand on the issue at the moment and would attend the meeting though he remains confused over the developments. “I am not going to say anything about my future as I have no plans. We will hear Out what they have to say at the Supreme Council,” Tan said when asked if he would quit the party if he was against the move. He said SAPP was very vocal and even blunt on Sabah issues and the Federal Government had been responding to the various requests. Tan had on Monday denied speculations that SAPP would be pulling out of BN following media speculations, On Tuesday, Tan was among those who attended the Chief Executive Officers Conference which was officially closed by Abdullah.