Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman wants the People’s Development Leaders to carry out their responsibility seriously. “I have always said the same thing to YBs. We have been entrusted with a large responsibility. We have been given a large mandate. So, it is our duty to return the favour and fulfil the promises we made’ during the election,” he said when witnessing the swearing in of 56 People’s Development Leaders at Wisma Innoprise here yesterday. Musa added there was a lot of work to be done, including programmes and projects to be implemented for the people. He said since the People’s Development Leaders are on the ground, they should be the eyes and ears of elected representatives and pay attention to the people’s needs and problems. Musa also said more training should be provided for these leaders so that they can be more effective in their job. “You should also be up to date with prevailing issues in the Country, including important Government policies and decisions,” he said. Citing the recent fuel hike as an example, the Chief Minister said it must be explained to the people that the issue was a global one and not just confined to Malaysia. “The people, including leaders, must also change their lifestyle by being more prudent in their spending and reduce unnecessary spending,” Musa said, adding the people must also be encouraged to plant crops on their land instead of leaving them idle. “Don’t leave your land idle. It’s a waste. People with land should plant padi, fruits and vegetables, especially with the current world food crisis,” he said. The Government, he added, has already given subsidies for seedlings and fertilizers to encourage farming in the Country and the people should therefore take advantage of them.