More Sabahans to join Federal Civil Service: Dompok
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has a new task in hand to oversee affairs of the Federal Secretaries of Sabah and Sarawak. The United Pasok Momogun KadazanDusun Organisation (Upko) President disclosed that his role is to help coordinate and ensure that Federal projects are implemented smoothly in the two states. Asked if his appointment has something to do with the call by Sabah leaders for a Sabah and Sarawak Affairs Ministry, Dompok replied: “was not told that this is objective of me overseeing the State Federal Secretaries. The Prime Minister did inform me that he wants me to oversee federal matters in the two states.” Dompok, who has also been put in charge of the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (Mampu), said the Federal Government is serious about ensuring that hot h Sabah and Sarawak progress in tandem with the rest of the country. “I am looking at 110W the office of the Federal Secretary can be utilised towards achieving the objectives to ensure that Sabah and Sarawak progress,” he said, adding that the Federal Government is serious by getting Mampu involved. Dompok said various departments would report to their respective headquarters and his responsibility is to ensure that whatever projects planned for East Malaysia would be implemented smoothly. He said the new task is in addition to his existing responsibilities, and that he is looking at it in the context of the present day challenges within the Government at State and Federal departments and agencies. “At the dialogue, I was told of hiccups in the implementation of federal projects. We will take steps to resolve them,” he said. On the move to allow State civil servants to join Federal civil service to ensure there are more Sabahans serving in the Federal departments in the State, Dompok said that steps are underway and they are waiting for the State civil service to identify people keen to make the switch. “They would not lose, their entitlements as it is all similar terms,?’ he said, adding that Federal civil service provides better exposure as there are many departments as well as opportunities to serve the diplomatic corp. He added that the Federal Cabinet has agreed to the matter and that steps are being taken to implement the system in an orderly manner. Disclosing it as a new scheme introduced by the Federal Government, he explained that interested parties are allowed to apply and if they are accepted, they will be able to move from one grade to another with their seniority intact. Stressing that the system is to give opportunities for Sabah officers to work in the Federal ministries or departments, Dompok said that eventually they would be promoted to a higher level. “Opportunities to hold higher level posts are wider in the Federal civil service as the officers would be more exposed not only to the working environment in the country but also abroad. “I do not think that Sabahans are reluctant to work in the Peninsular. In fact, in Putrajaya for instance, I meet many Sabah officers who are happily working there and they don’t feel like going back because unlike previously, Kuala Lumpur and Sabah are now enjoying good relations. “We now have the luxury of cheap fares and frequent daily flights. Malaysia is, indeed, getting smaller,” he said. Touching on allowances for Sabah officers working in West Malaysia, Dompok explained that they are given various allowances but the complaint is that the amounts are lower than those given to their Peninsular Malaysia counterparts who are sent to serve in Sabah. “But the difference in the amount of allowance is small,” he explained.