The wild mare’s milk if taken regularly can help prevent the growth of cancer cells, according to a study. Besides preventing the growth of cancer cells, it also slows down the ageing process, relieves the effects of stress and is beneficial for the treatment of dengue, diabetes and asthma. Nevertheless, the benefit derived from the consumption of wild mares milk could vary in individuals. This was confirmed by Associate Professor Dr Rozita Rosli, who is the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Postgraduate and Research) at Universiti Putra Malaysia. “We were the pioneers of the study on mare’s milk in 1997,” she said. Research on mares milk had already proven that compared to cow and goat’s milk, the composition of mares milk closely resembles mothers milk. It has significant anti-cancer properties that could kill or retard the generation of cancer cells, she added. Dr Rozita noted that the focus of the study was on the reaction mechanism of the mare’s milk from the Niemans breed on two types of leukemia and another four types of cancer - ovary, breast and colon. In the in-vitro analysis on leukemia patients found that the mare’s milk was able to destroy some 50 to 60 percent of the cancer cells in tests conducted at the university. “This goes to show that the wild mares milk has significant anti-cancer properties that could kill or retard the generation of cancer cells,” she added. In 1996, Setia Brothers Sdn Bhd, producer and sole distributor of wild mares milk as a health supplement, introduced its product called Niemans SKL to Malaysian consumers. Setia’s Managing Director Norhayati Abdul Rahim said, over the years, the product has gained a reputation as an effective anti-cancer agent and is increasingly popular among local consumers. In preparing to penetrate the international market, Niemans SKL has undergone a rebranding exercise, and is now packaged under the brand name Niemans Feramilch. “Where our products were previously only available in liquid form in 200ml to 500m1 bottles, we have now included capsules packed in blister packets as well,” she added. According to Norhayati, the company’s re-branding process not only involved transforming and enhancing its product image through quality packaging but also enhanced with nutraceutical innovation incorporating ingredients not found in similar products that are currently in the market. - Bernama